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Our list of treatment options and centers is by no means inclusive and is always growing. Please check back so you can see our latest addiction centers.
Inland Valley Recovery Services Upland Recovery Center services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient, Partial hospitalization/day treatment Types of patients treated: Adolescents, Pregnant/postpartum women, Criminal justice clients
Read moreHis House Treatment Program for Men is located in Southern California's Inland Empire - about 45 minutes from the beach and 30 minutes from the Sierra Madre Mountains. The mission of His House Addiction Treatment Centers is to assist individuals and families in overcoming substance abuse and mental health issues through holistic treatment modalities, individualized treatment plans and
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9531 Pittsburgh Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga , CA - 91730
Location: 6.29 miles from Upland
New Creation is located in the scenic rolling hills of Reche Canyon in Southern California's Inland Empire. They are about 45 minutes from the ocean and about 45 minutes from the mountain destinations of Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear Lake. The mission of New Creation Addiction Treatment Centers is to assist individuals and famili...
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2180 West Valley Boulevard
Pomona, CA - 91768
Location: 8.40 miles from Upland
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment provides the opportunity for clients to work intensively on life issues which, if left unaddressed, often leads to relapse to substance abuse. While the average length of treatment (3 – 6 months) is generally not enough to bring full resolution to these issues, clients receive enough education and...
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17719 East Cypress Street
Covina, CA - 91722
(626) 967-2677
Location: 14.06 miles from Upland
Stepping Stone Home services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Residential short-term treatment (30 days or less), Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days)Types of patients treated: Pregnant/postpartum women, Wo...
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1825 East Thelborn Street
West Covina, CA - 91791
(626) 915-3844
Location: 14.44 miles from Upland
Aegis medical System Inc services description: Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification. Treatment received at location: Outpatient ...
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865 West Glentana Street, Suite 3
Covina, CA - 91722
(626) 918-7636
Location: 14.44 miles from Upland
Hope and Grace Recovery services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient, Partial hospitalization/day treatment Types of patients treated: Adolescents, Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, Ga...
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