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Kirkwood Highway and Polly Drummond Rd, Suites 3304 and 3305
Newark, DE - 19711
(302) 454-7520
Connections CSP Inc Drug and Alcohol Outpatient services description: Substance abuse treatment, Buprenorphine Services. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: DUI/DWI offenders
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1601 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE - 19805
(302) 994-2511x
Location: 9.08 miles from Newark
Wilmington Veterans Affairs Med Center services description: Substance abuse treatment, Buprenorphine Services. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders...
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1126 Brandywine Street
Wilmington, DE - 19802
(302) 654-1158
Location: 12.68 miles from Newark
Hogar CREA International Inc of DE Mens Center services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days) Types of patients treated: Men...
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423 East Lincoln Highway
Coatesville, PA - 19320
(610) 384-9591x
Location: 21.33 miles from Newark
Samara House CYWA services description:Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days), Outpatient Types of patients treated: Pregnant/postpartum women, Women, Residential beds for clients' childre...
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2600 West 9th Street, 1st Floor Administration
Chester, PA - 19013
(610) 497-7223
Location: 24.23 miles from Newark
Recovery Center of Crozer Chester Medical Center services description: Substance abuse treatment, Methadone Maintenance, Buprenorphine Services. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Adolescents, Persons with co-occurring mental...
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479 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 800
Exton, PA - 19341
(484) 565-1130
Location: 24.32 miles from Newark
Center for Addictive Diseases services description: Substance abuse treatment, Buprenorphine Services. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Adolescents, Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, Seniors/ol...
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