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Our list of treatment options and centers is by no means inclusive and is always growing. Please check back so you can see our latest addiction centers.
Catholic Charities West Michigan services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Adolescents, Men, Criminal justice clients
Read moreWest Michigan Therapy Inc services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Adolescents, Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, Pregnant/postpartum women, Women, DUI/DWI offenders, Criminal justice clients
Read moreCommunity Mental Health Services of Muskegon CountyACTOutpatient services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, Women, Men
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2333 East Jarman Street
Muskegon Heights, MI - 49444
(231) 739-6840x
Location: 1.44 miles from Muskegon
West Michigan Therapy Inc Transitional Living Center services description: Substance abuse treatment, Halfway house. Treatment received at location: Residential short-term treatment (30 days or less), Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days), Outpatient, Partial hospitalization/day treatme...
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700 Washington Avenue, Suite 220
Grand Haven, MI - 49417
(616) 842-6710
Location: 11.51 miles from Muskegon
Ottagan Addiction Recovery Inc OAR services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated:Women, Men, DUI/DWI offenders...
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