Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc Saint Marys
Call 1 844-930-5397 and speak now with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Call now. This service is free of charge and there is no obligation.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Inc Saint Marys services description:
Substance abuse treatment.
Treatment received at location:
Types of patients treated
- Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Monday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
ADAS provides a regional system of services for the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse and dependence.
Pregnant women receive preferential services and are a priority population for treatment.
There are no treatment service limitations for pregnant women.
Payment for treatment services provided by our program is available through Blue Cross, Medical Assistance, Medicare, Community Care Behavioral Health, and most major insurance companies.
Fees are based on a sliding scale for people without insurance.
You will be asked to provide household income verification (pay stubs, or income tax statement, or employer statement.) for the last 30 days, and any medical insurance information to your first appointment.
There are no client fees for Prevention or Case Management services.
No one is refused services because of the inability to pay